Friday, December 5, 2014

What Type of Divorce is Right for You?

If your marriage is over and you are facing divorce, you should know that you have options. It is possible to approach divorce in several different ways and it is important to choose the best type of divorce to suit your particular circumstances. At the Law Offices of Dabbah & Haddad, APC, our practice is focused exclusively on divorce and family law matters. Our attorneys are experienced in all aspects of all types of divorce. A knowledgeable Glendale divorce lawyer with our firm can help you choose the best type of divorce for your situation, guide you through it, and protect your rights and interests throughout the process. There are difficult decisions to be made in every divorce, and we can provide guidance and sound legal counsel. No matter which type of divorce you choose, our firm can increase the chances that the ultimate terms will be in tune with your best interests.

The best type of divorce for you will depend entirely on your circumstances. If you and your spouse can agree completely on all major issues involved, then uncontested divorce is the most economical and fastest route to take. If you are not in complete agreement with your spouse on some or all of the issues but would still like to avoid a lengthy legal battle, collaborative divorce may be the best option for you. With this approach, each spouse hires a specialized lawyer to act as a mediator in the proceedings, and both parties agree in advance to keep their divorce case out of court. A distinct advantage with both of these options is that control of the terms of the divorce remains with the parties instead of the court.

Another alternative solution is mediation, which is faster than traditional divorce and less adversarial, with a higher rate of compliance by both spouses in the future. Unlike collaborative divorce, the parties can still go to court if they cannot agree through mediation. In some instances, even with the help of an experienced Glendale divorce attorney, the parties cannot reach an agreement on major issues. In that case, the only remaining option is traditional contested divorce. Our firm can provide you with high quality representation and dedicated advocacy in any type of divorce.

Contact our firm for a dedicated and experienced divorce lawyer.

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